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TEAMworks Rwanda-Thursday, June 30, 2106

  • Jun 30, 2016

Eric's Day

I started the day with the regular morning sunrise walk, which included a tour of the local Genocide Memorial that displayed 480 names. That was followed by walking past morning mass. This describes Rwanda well. A dark past with new life in Christ.

We ventured to the satellite clinic we had been to a few days earlier. I specifically worked with the head PT and showed him how to modify braces to help control pronation within the brace. He caught on quickly, and was king of the trim lines. I ended up turning that all over to him because he did so much better than I did. In the afternoon, I had the joy of a few shoe deliveries and tennis ball give-aways. Most of the afternoon was spent doing wheelchair assessments. Several kids suffered from deformities that would have required custom molded seating in the US.

Kara showed developmental therapist how to do receptive and expressive language activities, as well as articulation drills. There were more kids with low tone and oral-motor exercises were shown to parents. The parents were very appreciative of these exercises and we saw some of the kids make more sound afterwards.

Allison and Cara had a productive sweet morning educating on some stretches and importance of prone work, or time on their stomach. We saw several sweet faces and loved on all of them. In the afternoon we were able to give away our transfer board to a girl who needed it for showering. We were also able to spend time with the local occupational therapist and work with several clients she had questions on, concerning attention, manual dexterity and vision skills. We were able to hand out tennis balls to several kids and in the blink of an eye we had a mob around us shouting "ball" and holding out their hands. Best gift we brought in our suitcases!