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TEAMworks China- Thursday June 11, 2015

Once again, we had a very busy morning. We all went to different places, with Katie using the clinic's new sensory room and Kati and Amy teaming up to see a little boy for his second session at the clinic.

Kati and Amy were able to incorporate movement, functional play, engagement, and communication during his session. He did so much better today, he imitated play, had great eye contact, and imitated a "puh" sound for "pow-pow" aka bubbles! When he imitated the sound mom was so excited that she scooped him up and kissed him immediately. We will even get to have him back for one more session this week. His parents came in very concerned about his development and we are hopeful that we were able to encourage them. He has so much potential and we had so much fun working with this sweet boy. 

The little boy Katie worked with in the sensory room was so excited to try out the ball pit! His mom was concerned about his attention, fine motor skills, and sensory processing. Katie emphasized the importance of him learning through movement. He did a great job today with following simple directions during an obstacle course. He was also able to teach Katie some Chinese characters by forming them with toy sticks.

The afternoon consisted of a presentation by Dr. Lin to staff and parents as well as Amy presenting on speech therapy treatment.

We are feeling very thankful for the blessing of knowing these kids and their parents.

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well."  - Psalm 139:14

P.S. Please pray for our suitcases. One has been located, some where in the world, however the other is missing still. We would love our supplies, gifts and Katie's makeup to show up in time to be used.

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