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TEAMworks China- Thursday, March 12, 2015

Day 3- Divide and Conquer
At the clinic we divided up into PT/OT/ST rooms to evaluate kiddos. We each saw 3-4 children with diagnoses of Autism, CP/TBI, Hydrocephalus, and Arthrogryposes. Sophie was able to educate some of the staff on PECS with a one-on-one approach. Melissa helped facilitate ADLs using a picture schedule for a 13 year old. Amber was able to demonstrate and educate a mother on infant massage and positioning strategies for a 2 year old with significant neurological complication from a traumatic brain injury.

We had one of our favorite lunches today with some more life-changing dishes including corn and "sweet" tea! Our southern hearts were happy.

This afternoon Sophie presented on oral motor assessment/treatment while Amber presented on infant massage/positioning. Many in the audience of our talks have been parents of some of kiddos we have seen, who are seeking the best way to care for their children. It is so exciting when they ask questions, and better understand strategies for caring for their children!

Dr. Lin and one of the wonderful girls from the clinic took us to a market in the city to buy some souvenirs and get "Hot Pot" for dinner. Hot pot is very much like fondue and very tasty! We had our first experience smelling "Stinky Tofu" tonight, a staple in the province we are working in. We NEVER want to have another experience with that smell!

Tomorrow we will be seeing more kids in the morning, then touring a rehab hospital in the afternoon. We are done presenting, phew, but will continue to educate the staff in smaller groups so that they can follow through with treatment plans we have developed and educate parents.

The staff is really soaking in everything we teach them and will do well once we leave!

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