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TEAMworks Guatemala Day 3

Day 3 Guatemala

It is always good to see old friends! Today we did just that by returning to Mama Carmen's farm to see the children who inspired us to start serving villages. People in the villages have a difficult time getting medical or therapy care and are not easily able to travel to the bigger cities either. Each year we visit the same children and see great gains and help their parents with concerns regarding their child.

Our first stop was Keila. She is now in 6th grade! She is still using a walker for mobility and needed a few adjustments. Her mom reports that her teachers are going to hold her back a year because her reading and writing level is not up to par. Paige and Kelly assessed what could be causing the delay and it was determined that she likely has some level or dyslexia and definitely needs glasses! Her mom is going to try to get an appointment in the city soon.

We then visited Vinicio (aka our shoe connoisseur) and Nicole was able to fit him in some new shoes. Each year he gets so excited for his new pair of shoes from TEAMworks. Paige was able to give him a flauta, or toy flute, to help with lip closure. We were happy to note that his lip closure had improved since our last visit. His mother was so grateful! We are especially humbled by this relationship as she was easily the most skeptical of us on our very first visit. Today, she said she prays and waits for us to visit her son and we are so blessed to do so.

Each trip needs a little adventure! Today, the adventure was a tiny walk to Wilder's house. Last year we were unable to reach his house due to wet and muddy roads. This year threatened to be the same, but we wouldn't let anything stop us from seeing his sweet face this time! We packed up the equipment we knew we would need and started our trek up the mountain. Boy, was it worth it! Nicole fit Wilder with some new shoes and problem solved braces to be delivered the next trip, Paige taught him how to play “Go Fish” for improved cognition and memory, and Kelly battled him in a game of “Connect Four”. He has impressive fine motor skills for all the excess movement he displays and was able to win the game.

We always enjoy our time at the farm and today was, ABSOLUTELY, no different!

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