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TEAMWorks Rwanda - Sunday and Monday, September 13 and 14, 2015

  • Sep 15, 2015

Sunday was a day of reflection and final preparations.  We organized materials to give to the second clinic and labeled orthotics for children we had measured previously in the week. Mike finished setting up a wheelchair that the clinic will use as needed. We also took time to reflect on our trip and make plans for next year. Sunday night the community of Gatagara held us a farewell dinner, where we received gifts, delivered a thank you speech, and participated in dinner and traditional African dancing. Videos will not be on the blog...

Monday we met with the director, head physical therapist, head surgeon, and school director to conclude our trip and discuss "the beginning of our journey and partnership" for the future years. We were impressed by their initiation of this meeting and eagerness to receive training and to be challenged in the future. After the conclusion of the meeting, we were given a tour of the surgery and radiology center. The remainder of the day was spent in the physical therapy clinic where we were able to demonstrate PT/OT co-treating, equipment adjustment, and strength training.  The children tolerated handling and facilitation techniques well and were very motivated to self initiate activities. After skills and techniques were demonstrated, staff members were eager to participate in our previously demonstrated activities. Mike was able to give a new seat cushion to a boy with spinal cord injury who was having regular pressure sores.  We also educated staff and patient on the importance of pressure relief and regular urine checks.

At the conclusion of our trip at Gatagara we are all excited to see where God will continue to lead us in Rwanda! Overflowing with thankfulness for the gracious hospitality we received and the energy the staff of Gatagara expressed toward our future. Prayers for safe travel and continued communication with Gatagara.

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