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Ukraine – Week 2, Day 1

We had a very productive day at the orphanage, and were very well received! We met with the orphanage director in the morning, and he was very excited and thankful to have us there.

Ukraine – Day 3

Day 3 was a day full of successes! We reflected at the end of today and decided that some really good things came from our day at the orphanage.

Ukraine – Day 2

We had a great experience today at the orphanage! We’re finding more and more caregivers who care deeply for the children and who are trying hard to learn our American therapy techniques. It’s very exciting to collaborate with the caregivers and answer their eager questions about these beautiful children!

Ukraine Day 1

Today was TEAMworks Ukraine’s first day at the orphanage we have been working with for several years.  This week our TEAM consists of Amy Smith (speech and language pathologist), Abby Snyder (occupational therapist), and Matt and Ginny Mooney, directors of 99Balloons.  The orphanage’s director and the orphanage physicians gave a warm welcome and provided a thorough tour of their facilities.

Ukraine Update!

Thursday and Friday were very busy! We worked with the children at the orphanage and saw families as well. We saw many of the same children and families as last year, so it was nice to see them again and follow up.